Icknield District Scouts
            covid risk assessment guidance
latest update 5 November 2020 - change to RED readiness level

Following the announcement of a four week lockdown in England from Thursday 5 November, the National Youth Agency (NYA) has now issued guidance about what this means for all youth sector activity. From 5 November, Scouts and all other youth activities will move to RED readiness level. This decision by the Government means that from 5 November there there can be no face to face activity with young people or adult volunteers. From 5 November, only online meetings can be delivered until further notice. We expect these restrictions to last until 2 December when the lockdown is currently scheduled to end in England.

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Guidance for Section Leaders completing risk assessments for return to face to face Scouting

Important - this information is intended to simplify the content on Scout HQ website, it does not replace that content.

In preparing your risk assessment, the first task is to read the framework document "Getting back together safely" Updated to v3 on 10 September 2020

Then the document "Getting your section back together safely" Version 3

This document summarises the changes that were made on 3 September 2020, further changes on 10 September 2020 and 22 September 2020

This is the
blank risk assessment template from Scout HQ website (Version 2 - includes updated GDPR statement)

and you should read the approver checklist to see all the points which the approver will be expecting to see answered in your risk assessment

This template has been prepared from a submitted risk assessment

Once complete, you should submit your risk assessment for approval using this smartsheet

Name of approver is "Icknield Team", Email of approver is "covid@icknieldscouts.org.uk"

Please allow at least two to three weeks between submitting your initial risk assessment and restarting Scouting, be ready to reply to questions and make changes to content promptly, have your Group Exec on standby to approve any changes

Remember, this is the simplified version of the information, there is more information in the links below, always ask if you have questions

Here is more helpful information from Scout HQ website (its just that, these may help)

Here are more documents from Scout HQ website (you will need to refer to some/most/all to complete your risk assessment)

Here is a chart showing the various versions of the supporting documents

Readiness level is currently RED

England readiness level -
* Expected duration: 5 November to 2 December 2020
* This means: No face to face activity, meetings or residential activities
* Maximum group size: 0